
Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

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05.18.16 | The Results

Last week’s blog was about our Hissho team preparing for the upcoming Dragon Boat Races at the 17th Asian Festival at Lake Norman, just north of Charlotte, N.C.
This was our 3rd time participating, and this time WE WON THE GOLD in the B Division. We did it in 59.36 seconds!!
We finished last in our first race, first in the second race and, of course, first in the final race. We are so proud of our team and perhaps next year we will end up in the A Division. Now that we know we can do it, there should be no barrier to just how fast we can cover the 200 meters.
ပိုမိုသိရှိလိုပါက ကျေးဇူးပြု၍ ကြည့်ပါ www.dragonboat.com
Not everyone is present in this photo taken with the medals, but a “Congratulations” goes out to the entire team!


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