
Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

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PRIDE Magazine Featured Hissho Sushi's CEO

PRIDE Magazine “Charlotte Multicultural Resource Magazine 2016 – 2017” has featured Hissho Sushi’s CEO Philip Maung on the Cover!
Publisher Dee Dixon, Editor-in-Chief Lashawnda Becoats, Writer Tonya Jameson, and Photographer Johathan Cooper have put together a wonderful story of how “Sushi made Philip Maung money, but his Values made him successful!”
May Vang, a former AND current employee says of Hissho that, “It was a very corporate style. I didn’t get the sense that there was a lot of teamwork and communication.” Why did she come back to Hissho? Read the article and find out. http://www.pridemagazineonline.com/sushi-made-philip-maung-money-values-made-him-successful/
Starting with the “From the Editor,” Becoats is generous with her comments on page 10; followed by the feature article starting on page 14 by Jameson.
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