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The Hissho Team had an amazing time at this year’s IDDBA Dairy-Deli-Bake Seminar and Expo in Atlanta, Ga.
For those not in the know, IDDBA is the International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association – an essential resource for dairy, deli and bakery professionals. Originally founded in 1964 as the Wisconsin Cheese Seminar, it has evolved over the years to reflect the changing needs of professionals in the dairy, deli, bakery and related industries.
Each year, IDDBA conducts an annual seminar and expo, “Dairy-Deli-Bake,” that features the finest in dairy, deli and bakery: new products, new suppliers, new contacts, new (and old) buyers and new ideas. For the past several years, Hissho has been honored to be an exhibitor at this exciting show.
The Hissho crew arrived on Friday to unload our goodies and check out our booth space. (We were super stoked about being neighbors with Stacy’s Pita Chips and Sabra – can we say, “Nomz?!”)
On Saturday, we jumped into action early, setting up our booth and prepping food for our sampling. This year’s show was extra special for us as we were debuting our hot foods program, Asian to Go, to new prospects. So with a double duty of sampling both hot food and sushi, the team had a lot of veggies to chop!
The show runs three days, typically Sunday through Tuesday, and our chefs banged out some fantastically colorful displays for each day.
All in all, we had a great show! We were able to meet tons of new people, see some familiar faces and sample some wickedly awesome food. We hope to see everyone again in 2016!