
Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

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Hissho မှာကျေးဇူးတုံ့ပြန်

Hissho မှာကျေးဇူးတုံ့ပြန်
As the summer swept by like a kite on steroids, we find ourselves in the midst of autumn with Christmas lights up outside already, the tree in place in our reception area, and bits of ornamentation around the office.  But before we dive headlong into Christmas, we paused  just long enough to give Thanksgiving its due.
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year, mainly because it’s not fraught with pure commercialism.  It’s a time for reflection, and giving thought to what we have and appreciate the gifts given by God each and every day.  Thinking back on how Thanksgiving began, with the Pilgrims and Native American Indians coming together and sharing what they had, to create a meal to give thanks for all that had happened leading up to that moment.
It’s the same today, just in a different environment and over 500 years later.  That we can share, love, and laugh together are the things that make life meaningful.  We at Hissho are so grateful for our teams around the country who make us proud, our staff who share the same mission, and a CEO who leads by example.  We are truly blessed, and stopping to acknowledge this is paramount to our continuing success.
Each year we celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing a delicious meal together.  Some years we prepare everything ourselves, some years we have it catered, and for the past two, our generous CEO has treated us all.  This is so appreciated in that all we had to do was show up, eat up, and clean up.  Seems so simple until we remember who made it happen.  In pausing to give thanks to the ones who prepared it, the one who paid for it, and the teams who cleaned up, our gratefulness became boundless.
Thanksgiving is now in the rear view mirror, but should always be in the periphery.  We at Hissho hope yours was wonderful, and we’re sure it was if you had a platter of our delicious sushi to share.  If not, be sure to order your platters for the Christmas holidays and New Year’s.


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