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mid-sized – Hissho Sushi Beer Bar
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Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

Hissho Honored as a 2016 Future 50 Award Winner

Future 50 2016 Press Release Future 50 2016 Press Release 2
Hissho Sushi is the proud recipient of a Smart CEO Future 50 Award for 2016. The honor was presented to the company at a Rock & Roll themed ceremony at the Hilton Center City hotel (Charlotte, NC) on Thursday, April 21, 2016.
SmartCEO recognizes 50 of the region’s fastest growing, mid-sized companies. Winners in large “Blue Chip” and small “Emerging Growth” categories were also announced. These companies represent the future of the region’s economy and embody the entrepreneurial spirit critical for leadership and success. The winners were chosen based on a three-year average of employee and revenue growth.
This collective has had a significant impact on their community. Combined revenue of the Charlotte Future 50 is $1.5 billion. The average tenure for business is 13 years and they provide employment opportunities for almost 11,000 people.
In 2016, SmartCEO will honor Future 50 Winners in the following markets: Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Long Island, New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, DC.  To learn more go to
Hissho Sushi, headquartered in Charlotte NC, is a thriving sushi and Pan-Asian franchise business which operates in more than 875 locations in 39 states plus the District of Columbia.  Philip Maung, the CEO, came to the United States from Myanmar in 1989 with only $13 in his pocket, and started his sushi business in 1998.
