
Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

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10.16.15 | Hissho Named "NC 100"


Hissho Sushi has just learned that the Company has been named as one of the Top 100 privately held businesses in North Carolina as recognized by the 2015 Grant Thornton North Carolina 100® (NC100).
The October 2015 issue of Business North Carolina magazine has all of the 100 companies listed by rank, and Hissho is #80.  Given the list, Hissho is very proud to be among these giants of industry.

In a congratulatory note, Grant Thornton states that, “Dynamic companies share five traits: innovation, expansion, talent, culture and agility.”  Since 1984, the Grant Thornton North Carolina 100© (NC100) has celebrated the substantial impact of private companies in North Carolina.

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