
Hissho Sushi Beer Bar

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01.06.16 | Happy New Year 2016 "Year of the Monkey"

Hissho wishes each of you a very Happy New Year for 2016!  Our 2015 was overflowing with growth and many blessings, which we expect to continue through 2016.  With our growth comes a demand for sushi and hot bar chefs, so if any of our readers would like to join our “family” then please let us know, and pass the word.
Each month, Hissho sends out Birthday Cards to our Franchisees and Employees, and this year I noticed that we have a total of 19 birthdays on January 1.  In a company of our size, this is highly unusual and fortuitous at the same time.  So with a bit of searching, I’ve compiled a bit of trivia for these special “babies.”  What is astounding is how everything seems to fit perfectly with our own model.
“Being born on the 1st day of the month means that it is likely that you are independent, loyal and energetic. The numerology number for people born on January 1 is considered to be 1. People born under this numerology number usually have leadership qualities, great will power and a unique approach to life, together with a charming personality. Those Capricorn people should be happy of the association with the number 1 in numerology, as this is the number of the people who have many achievements in life, of those who have the skills to deal with the bigger picture and are set to follow their goals no matter what.”
All these traits of course bode well for Hissho, since our positions require these traits for anyone to be successful.
“Those born in January are ambitious and hardworking. January 1 Zodiac people are organized and enthusiastic. Those born on January 1 can be characterized as resourceful and practical and there are very few activities in which they do not involve all the discipline they possess.”
Again, these are positive traits for our Hissho Chefs, either in sushi, or hot bar.
“They are active and are rapid to take on new tasks but they do prefer to know something about the subject and often do research before starting something. They put a great price on education and awareness and also have a forceful sense of justice. Caring a lot about what others think, they try to be naturally helpful to those around.”
Hissho has an extensive training program for every employee or franchisee, to make sure they are comfortable in their respective roles, and then our team continues to follow up for on-going training.  The photo below reflects our new trainees that started the year off right by joining our Hissho family……….. and we welcome them!

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